Tuesday, June 11, 2013

What has Michelle been doing lately?

This is just some notes I was making for our scrabook/ journal and I thought I would share!
What Michelle’s been up to:
·         Jibber Jabbering! She has gotten to be very vocal and often seems to be telling stories, we have complete conversations even though she isn’t using words. Michelle has said a few things but the words she has said with meaning she has also said without meaning so I’m still not quite sure what I would say her first word is. In April she said “nanana” while very excitedly pointing to a Banana. The last week in May I was convinced she said “high five”. She has also been heard to say “hi, by, ball, mama, dada, shoe”. She now uses Dada for Joe but it is also used anytime she wants to do or is doing something fun….hmmmm….. mama is mostly used when she is sad, cranky, or hungry….hmmmm.
·         Forks and Spoons! Mommy has been working hard to let go of her OCD and let Michelle get messy when needs be in order to learn to use forks and spoons better. Michelle likes having them but still isn’t really using them as the majority of the world does. If we put the food on them she can get it in her mouth still on the utensil but getting it on by herself is rare. One morning at the end of May  I gave Michelle oatmeal with berries for breakfast (normal for her) and a spoon for each hand and let her feed herself. She held both spoons in one hand and ate with her hand. She was still hungry so I gave her some yogurt thinking that would force her to use the spoon. She had other ideas. Yes, a bath followed. She was much messier than the pictures show.

·         Blowing Kisses: At the end of May Michelle started occasionally blowing kisses to us, it is so cute. Now in June with all the Playmill cast eating her up she consistently blows kisses when someone is leaving, although it is more like smashing her hand on her mouth it is still so cute!
·         Pointing to her nose. Every day we ask Michelle questions like where is your nose? Or where are your eyes? Usually to no interest on her side. June 1st Mommy asked her “Where is your nose?” and she non-shallantly pointed to her nose as though it was the most obvious thing in the world!
·         Waving
·         Loving being outside, She stays pretty well covered in the stroller usually but my tan is much better already than it was at the end of last summer, I'm ok with this, I'm still really white.
·         LOVES books and will bring them to you all day long but usually only has patience for one page at a time.
·         Understands pretty much everything we say and will nod her head yes or no… or have a full on toddler melt down.
·         Giving hugs! Sometimes she will just open her arms and give us real hugs, it is so sweet. She also has developed a fancy to holding on to just one of our legs as we walk around trying to get things done.

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