Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Trials, Tribulations and Blessings

Why tribulations in the title? Because it sounded cooler than Trials and Blessings alone....
Just to clarify right off the bat this is a bit of a thinking post and no, we are not experiencing any major trials or anything like that that you need to be aware of, just some stuff I've been thinking about recently. Yes, thinking ohhhhhhhhhhhhh  If you want to skip me thinking and get to the interesting stuff skip to the red line below ( i won't blame you, I promise!)
Trials are an interesting thing and I could go on and on about them and get all preachy about it or complain a bunch but that is not my point. I have learned several things in my life about trials (as I'm sure everyone has) but the there are a few big points that have stuck out to me. 1. You can't pick your trials but you can grow from them. 2. Never, ever, ever, ever assume that you know what trials someone else is or isn't going through or has or hasn't experienced. This second one is the one that I have been thinking of the most recently (not really sure why, but sometimes my brain just gets all deep- yes, everyone once in a while I think beyond the fact that Michelle got poop on the carpet- thank you oxi clean, I love you).
Everyone's trials are unique to them in their own situation and therefore how they handle them is going to be different too. Which also means that some people's trials are much more public than others. I don't believe that it is bad for someone to share a trial that they are going through, in fact in many cases it can be healing for themselves and others. Knowing that someone else has been through something similar or has your back can do wonders. Of course there are those people that seem to just want attention however I choose to believe that there are very few people that this is their true purpose in sharing a trial. In the same way that many people choose to talk about their trials or by the nature of a trial it is public there are many people who choose to keep trials private or share them with only a small group of people.
Neither way is always right or always wrong, each trial is unique and so is each situation. I guess my biggest frustration is that in our world of media storm and connectivity, people seem to feel entitled to know everything about everyone and if you choose not to share then it must not be real (and yet those who choose to share are often hurt by the backlash of people). Because I tend to be a more private person I obviously feel more for the side of people who get hurt because people assume that they have a perfect life completely void of trials. (but i feel for everyone!) Just because someone doesn't talk about something doesn't mean that they don't have their own difficulties and haven't had a rough road or that they are a coward. Sometimes people are meant to share things, other times they are meant to be borne in the heart but always they are meant to turn to the Lord. Guess what? Facebook, twitter and texts cannot replace that need.

Blessings: Blessings rock. Duh! But of course we don't get to choose them either, however, if we just remember to look for the blessings in the chaos life looks a lot better.
Here is the stuff that is actually interesting:
Now can a share a blessing that we have gotten? Pretty Pretty Please?! Yeah, well, here I go, spilling the beans finally. We bought a house! Yeah, we are crazy but we made the decision because we felt strongly prompted that it was the right thing to do and we are very excited about it =)
We actually closed on the house a little over a week before we moved to West Yellowstone ( I mentioned that we are crazy right?) It was an incredibly crazy busy time for us (it was also Joe's last week of school) so if you think that we kinda fell off of the face of the earth back in the end of may/ beginning of june, we did. We recieved so many blessings and tender mercies in the process of purchasing this house. (Please understand I am not trying to brag but rather take note for myself of some of those blessings we recieved). We won the bid in a bidding war on a house we love and felt very strongly about, we were able to close when we needed to, we were able to hire movers last minute for a good price since we had a small window of time to move (aka less than a day) and Joe was at work (AND I haven't found anything broken yet!), we were miraculously able to get the keys to the house just in the nick of time (as in they met us at the house with them as we pulled up with the truck because we had to be out of our apartment that night), our apartment allowed us to just put the keys in the drop box so we weren't so rushed to clean, we were able to get a deal on a fridge because they thought that we were going to have to take the floor model but they ended up having one in stock, they were able to deliver our fridge the day we moved in so all our food didn't spoil, the guys that cleaned our carpets were super nice and moved our bed so that I didn't have to he-woman it by myself even though they technically weren't supposed to (they were both family men and so they were pretty much in love with Michelle), our ward is awesome and we are literally surrounded by members! And we had some great people we know who were kind enough to keep an eye on everything for us until we could return and actually live in our home!!! ;)

Is anyone actually still reading? Wow! Good on ya!
The house is in a great sub in Meridian and is a short drive to Joe's work (mileage wise it is pretty similar to our apartment but we bypass all the busy roads so it is much faster). There is a giant awesome park that takes a whole of 3 minutes to walk to (Joe loves it because there are 8 baseball fields, yes, we counted. I love it because the kiddy section is awesome- although it is further away than the baseball fields- and there is even a splash park and music making area. Robyn- Esther would go crazy, I guess you guys just need to come and visit....ya know, for Esther's sake ;) Plus, she would get to see her favorite aunt and uncle)
It is a three bed two bath house and it has a great room set up which I love! The open feeling is so nice to me and it makes it much easier to actually get stuff done for me. All in all, we are happy :) busy, but happy. We got back a week ago and Joe had inservice last week and students started on Monday. We got the plugs in the outlets and Michelle is loving exploring her new environment.

These pictures are from when we bought the house and a couple from when we toured it, I promise the yard looks much better now.... although we do still have weeding to do, the never ending process.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

7 months

Monday we moved back home to Meridian after an awesome summer in West Yellowstone and Michelle also turned 7 months! Can't hardly believe it!!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Summer In West Yellowstone

Every summer since the one we got married Joe and I have spent in West Yellowstone working. Before as students with the summer off and now with Joe as a teacher with the summer off (the reality of being a teacher is you need a summer job. It's nice that I love teaching too so we both understand that that is just the reality). It's a crazy schedule that we keep but somehow we survive. This summer seems to be even crazier than normal- primarily because we added a baby to the mix! It's hard on me not having much socialization and it's hard on Joe because he is working all the time. He works 10-3 M-F at the IMAX and then 4:30-11ish at the Playmill 4 nights a week plus a Matinee on most Saturdays. On his nights off from Playmill we usually have a million things we have to get done so it's not really much of a night off for him. Needless to say, we don't see each other much and I don't get much adult conversation. To earn my keep I do costume laundry twice a week and take care of all costume repairs (my sewing skills have improved greatly by doing this for the last two years but I still strongly dislike replacing zippers and have formed strong opinions about what fabrics are NOT appropriate for long run costumes). It's quite the adventure trying to do all of that with Michelle in tow but thankfully we have been blessed with a very good baby (most of the time- this last week not so much...). Oh and did I mention that the nearest place to really go for groceries of doctors visits or hair cuts, etc is 90 min away? yeah....

Right now you are probably reading this (if you are still even reading that is) and thinking Lesley is a city girl who is not too fond of the outdoors and hates being stressed- why on earth do they do this every summer?
Well, it's all about the moments for us. Do I love West? Truthfully? No. Do I love the friendships we have? Undoubtedly yes. That darn Merrill family has become family to us and they have this ridiculous power to get us to keep coming back (I think they have mind controlling powers or something). We also both love theatre and if you have to have a second (or third) job why not try and do something you love with people you love? No, life isn't easy for us, although a lot of people looking from the outside would either say that we have it easy or we complain to much. But ya know what? We are acutely aware of the fact that we are incredibly blessed. Joe has a teaching job that he loves, right now we are able to make it work so that I can be a stay at home mom to Michelle and second teaching brain for Joe (it's fun for me that we can discuss teaching and possible solutions to challenges etc.), we get to work with people we love in the summer, and we have been blessed with the cutest baby on the planet. Our lives are ever changing and completely unpredictable (me the planner with an un-plan-able life) but we figure it out somehow.

Oh and those moments I was talking about? Well here are a few that have been captured in pictures but truly most of them could never be captured. (Please pardon the totally random order)
 Hannah's birthday BBQ
 Daddy's girl
 Hey! We actually got a good picture of us!
 4th of July
Heidi's birthday celebration at the waterpark
 Going on a walk- yes, I promise there is a baby in there!
 Hey look! It's old faithful!
 I chose to put this one up because you can tell that i am not zoomed in on the bison, they are like that on the other side of the car too!
 Picnicing in Virginia city
 Swinging in the Nevada City Ghost town by the old school house
 Overlooking Virginia City (aka. the person taking the picture is standing on the graves of some oddly famous robbers who were made an example of.... yeah, this picture was probably more romantical before I made that note...)
 Getting tired of listening to the guy talk about the evolution of guns (cool part- he fired them all)
 But of course there is a Chinese goods store in the ghost town!
 Looking cool in a bonnet and Lauren's sunglasses
 Old Western family photo
 Love my baby girl
 Story time with Grandpa
6 month photos old western style

 Playing in the mud of a river by the McDonald's house on a lazy day (please take note that I, Lesley Sampson Bidwell, encouraged this activity)
 She is seriously such a daddy's girl- admittedly jealous sometimes.

So so so many other good times that we don't even have pictures of :)
AND....... HAPPY FOURTH ANNIVERSARY TODAY!!!!! WHEW! what a crazy crazy year it has been! (I will have to do a recap of the past year when we get home and things settle down a bit) Can you believe it has really been 4 years?!
Love you forever and for always, love you with all my heart, love you whenever we're together, love you when we're apart =)


I guess I somehow failed to mention that on July 31st Michelle decided that she could crawl. She has been doing something very similar to crawling for a long time now but she finally has the legs and arms moving in conjunction with each other. Her belly is still on the ground a lot of the time but she is a major crawler now. She can get into just about anything in two seconds flat.

She has also been pulling herself up to her knees on stuff for a while, well Monday I looked up from what I was doing and she had pulled herself up to standing- eek!

Her front top teeth are also very close to coming in, there is no cushion left to her gums there but they seem to be taking there time finishing the process, not surprisingly.
So just to recap:
July 20- Michelle turned 6 months
July 24- She decided she could sit up on her own
July 28- She started solids
July 31- She is officially crawling
August 6- She can now pull herself to standing

Yes, I do believe that I have good reason to go a little crazy- and that's just what Michelle has been up to, never mind all the other stuff we have keeping us busy!!! I think it's about time to take a nice long long long uninterrupted nap, yeah, that's not going to happen.... Oh well. Our summer life is always crazy!!!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Food videos

Admittedly these videos would be rather boring to watch if this isn't your kid but this is my kid so here are the videos of Michelle's first food experience.


Well, sorta food, can you really call runny rice cereal food? Anyways. On Saturday the 28th we fed Michelle some food for the first time. Joe got to feed her first since this was one first that we could control the timeline of and make sure that he was a part of. It was silly but fun to watch. I'm not sure how she felt about it, curious but still not too thrilled with it. We have figured out that she eats better in the morning or lunch time than she does in the afternoon or evening. Using the three days rule we decided to introduce a little avocado yesterday too just to see if she wanted a little variety. She was interested but I'm not sure if she really likes it any better than the rice cereal. Why avocado? I had read that it was a good first food for breastfed babies because the fat content is similar. I dunno, I figured it was worth a try.

Here are a couple pictures:

 who needs food when I have a bib?
Avacado- yeah, she was naked for this one, I didn't want to get it out of her clothes.

Kisses from Daddy

this was probably about two weeks ago. Michelle was way more giggly before I got the camera out but oh well. Oh and yes, Joe does have a faux hawk- it's summer, why not?! It is a little shorter now though.