Wednesday, August 8, 2012


I guess I somehow failed to mention that on July 31st Michelle decided that she could crawl. She has been doing something very similar to crawling for a long time now but she finally has the legs and arms moving in conjunction with each other. Her belly is still on the ground a lot of the time but she is a major crawler now. She can get into just about anything in two seconds flat.

She has also been pulling herself up to her knees on stuff for a while, well Monday I looked up from what I was doing and she had pulled herself up to standing- eek!

Her front top teeth are also very close to coming in, there is no cushion left to her gums there but they seem to be taking there time finishing the process, not surprisingly.
So just to recap:
July 20- Michelle turned 6 months
July 24- She decided she could sit up on her own
July 28- She started solids
July 31- She is officially crawling
August 6- She can now pull herself to standing

Yes, I do believe that I have good reason to go a little crazy- and that's just what Michelle has been up to, never mind all the other stuff we have keeping us busy!!! I think it's about time to take a nice long long long uninterrupted nap, yeah, that's not going to happen.... Oh well. Our summer life is always crazy!!!!

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