Sunday, April 22, 2012

Proven Wrong, Again

Michelle is definitely my daughter because she clearly wanted to prove me wrong. In my last post (which I actually wrote on Friday) I said she rarely rolls over. Well yesterday Joe and I were sitting on the couch watching Michelle play on the floor. She was laying on her back, then her side, then her front- holding herself up and everything. Then she played for a bit and rolled back to her back, played for a bit then did it again a second time and then a third. It was so cool getting to watch her make the connections of  how to do it and that she really was the one in charge, she was so proud! We're proud of her but at the same time I feel a little bit sad, what happened to my little baby? At three months and 1 day old she was rolling around, not cool!

Then today, oh today. So, we were sitting in Sunday School and Michelle was on my lap looking all over the place and I hear her poop (not even that loud) I grab a diaper and am about to take her our when I realize that the poop is everywhere- diaper, her skirt, her legs, blanket, my skirt was filled with it as well as my hands. How can something so small contain SO SO SO much poop?! Have you ever had to walk out of Sunday school covered in poop? Because I have and I was not too thrilled with the looks I got either. What did you want me to do people? Stay?! Needless to say we came home early today which was probably good because Michelle had a meltdown once we got outside. (Church is right during her morning nap- normally I can get her to sleep but she only slept for about 20 min today- no bueno.) After Michelle and I both taking a shower (SO MUCH POOP!) we tried to put her down for he nap (she naps in her crib most of the time even though at the moment she still sleeps in her bassinette in our room at night). She was finally calming down and then I heard her make a noise I wasn't familiar with so I had Joe go and check on her, she had rolled over, and then proceeded to repeat the process about 5 more times. She sure is a mover and a shaker and once she gets the arm strength she will surely be a scootin on her way to crawling... tear... yet proud. p.s. it took another 1.5 hrs to get her to sleep, ya know only about 2 hrs after her normal nap time, yeah, that was fun.

Laundry awaits.

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