Sunday, September 21, 2014

27 Weeks

I'm 27 weeks now and yesterday marked the 3 month countdown! Yay! Feeling pretty good. My energy is finally back to a manageable level- you know just in time for the third trimester to start pretty soon and suck it all away! Hopefully I will get some things back in order first! Overall feeling pretty good right now. If I am on my feet too much they are throbbing at the end of the day but that is to be expected. Joe has been able to feel him move for a few weeks now and yesterday we both sat and watched my belly for a minute because it was moving around ha ha.(although that will get much more obvious!).
Church callings have kept us pretty busy lately. Joe is the primary chorister and the program is next week. At this point however there isn't much more that we can do- the kids either choose to sing or they don't! I am a primary teacher and I also helped out with a couple projects for super Saturday yesterday- which of course ended up being more work than anticipated.
Joe is going to be putting on "See How They Run" as his fall production at NHS. Right now he has been faithfully rehearsing 4-5 days a week and only had to replace one kid! (hopefully no more of that!) We (me) have also been spending time doing cost projections so we can get a final budget approved and start getting everything together, ya know before I feel like a whale.
Michelle is doing great, just very energetic and challenging some days. She has been to Joe's school with me a couple times when I had to go and now she is always asking to go to Daddy's school- it's pretty cute ;)

This is an old one but who cares!

Note: This post is really old but it never got published because I was waiting until I uploaded some pictures.... which took forever... and I haven't scanned in the ultrasound pictures still sooooo, yeah. oh well!

2nd trimester energy boost? yeah, not really mostly I want to sleep but what else is new? ha ha ha I really am the type of person that could happily sleep 10-12 hours a night and still take a nap but having a toddler means that doesn't happen... I just may have been guilty of doing this when I was pregnant with Michelle.
So we've been up to everything and nothing all at once lately (pretty normal for us). Joe finished summer school and it was a great experience but he will probably need to do something a little more lucrative next summer. He had about a two week break between when he finished with that and when he started having stuff for his new job with Nampa.
July 30th Joe had a new teacher mtg and then that afternoon we went and had our ultrasound. So fun! I always love getting to see my baby and now this little one is big enough that it really looks like a baby. The gender was very clear as a BOY! I was just anxious to know either way but it did confirm our early feelings. We did get to see a couple sweet profile shots but he was moving too much for the tech to capture them.
This little boy is very wiggly now which is pretty fun at this point most of the time but he is definitely sitting lower than Michelle did (maybe there is something to that old wives tale after all?).
I of course had to go to Carter's and buy something boy once we found out (hey, it was on clearance!) but the fun story from that trip was sweet big sister Michelle. Her comfort item is one of those mini blanket/ stuffed animal things and we call it her snuggle buddy. When we went into the store she ran up to one and said "Snuggle buddy baby brother!" Such a sweetie- if it hadn't had a rattle in it I probably would have given in and bought it!

Michelle is starting to get very excited about baby brother and seems to be understanding it more. She will sing song "baby brother, baby brother, baby brother" quite often and occasionally adds in "mommy's tummy" for good measure.

During Joe's break we went to West Yellowstone for a long weekend (closer to a week really). It was fun to get to stop in Rexburg and have dinnewith a good couple friend of ours that had a 2 week old baby girl.
We got to see the Playmill's productions of "Les Miserables" and "Joseph" as well as sneaking a little bit of "Beauty and the Beast" which honestly we have just seen so many times...ha ha ha. Joe's dad was playing the priest in Les Mis and subbing for Roger in Beauty as Maurice (Belle's father).
Michelle's highlight was definitely the "Tea Party with Belle"- she is still telling me all about it. It's just a quick little thing where the kiddos get to meet Belle and a couple other characters and they get lemonade and a cookie. But they also get a rose and tiara. Yesterday Michelle came up to me just to remind me "and princess gave me flower....and a crown...Belle! Belle!" (the last part she does as they did to call belle to come out and join them ha ha ha)

 Update: She STILL tells me about how they called for "Belle!" and the princess gave her a big cookie and her flower and crown- I think we could still be hearing about this one next summer ha ha ha

 had to get her popcorn- this was her favorite thing last year ;)
Sambo did a great job of course!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Family Pictures

There are several unfinished blog posts sitting in drafts but I may or may not ever actually get to finishing them so let's just start with something else shall we?
We took family pictures a couple weeks ago. No, taking family pictures 5 months pregnant was not my ideal but I was so sick they certainly didn't happen in the spring and I knew that I would regret not having them more than I would dislike being pregnant in them. Sometimes you just have to capture the moment.
So here are a few of the pics (Jean Wolford Photography.. aka someone I randomly found on facebook for a good price :)

this is one of those random ones I didn't know she snapped but i kinda love it :)