Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Just because

Michelle is very interested in everything lately. If someone leaves the room she MUST follow them to see what is going on and she has developed a love of closing doors. It's pretty funny how excited she gets about it. She is usually running around (not so much since we had the flu go through our house this last weekend). And she jabbers up a storm. She loves pushing noses and when we play along for extended periods of time she will be in uncontrollable giggles, it's pretty adorable.
In order to get her to put away her toys we clap or say "yay" when she gets them in the basket. While Joe was at priesthood session she started putting a toy in and clapping for herself. She proceeded to put all of her toys away in the fashion. It was quite amusing! She is definitely at the put it in take it out and repeat stage of toddlerhood.
She loves giving high fives and will sit there forever just doing high fives.
The other day she even decided she needed to help me with the laundry and she put every single piece of her laundry I gave her in the dryer.

also she has grown a bunch and needs new shoes, I am trying very hard not to pass on my shoe compulsion.....


We seem to be pretty low key people lately and Easter was no different. We took some pictures of Michelle and let her play with plastic eggs. She also of course got a bunny. Remember, this is the Sampson most obsessed with traditions here!
The dress Michelle is wearing is from when a was a baby in Thailand, still in pretty good condition just a little thinner than it used to be, I did have to replace some buttons but all in all that's pretty impressive. Thank you buddy for giving us a reason to hang on to it all these years (because yes boys, by the time it got to me it was a girl).

 classic 2013 toddler.... running away with Mom's phone...

 also, she looks A LOT like me, more than these pictures show.