Thursday, May 30, 2013

So life is just crazy

Sometimes (ok a lot of the time) I think people look at my life and wonder why I feel like my life is crazy. I mean I am a stay at home mom of 1. In theory not that crazy. In reality, a whole other story.
To start off with, Michelle is WILD! I love my little munchkin so much and she totally has her sweet moments. A few weeks ago she and I went to visit my parents because I am a baby and needed some Mommy-Daughter time, badly, very badly so it was awesome to be able to go. Where was I going with this? Oh yeah, while we were there Michelle pumped up her ability to be a ham by like a million percent. She mostly only turns it on when we are in public so unfortunately it's not like I get that cute head tilt every day. But she also is a very energetic child, who feels the compulsion to move all the time and go everywhere and climb everything and everyone. She also refuses to learn to speak using words. It reminds me of a story my Aunt Lesley loves to tell about me when we came home from Thailand when I was a toddler (not sure if this was home leave or when we moved back). Apparently I would just point and "grunt" at something and Robyn or one of my brothers would translate. I didn't talk because why would you when you got whatever you wanted. (Clearly I have made up for a lack of vocality in my early years). Michelle points at everything and she will grunt and moan and nananana and dadadada and something that sound kinda like shoe but isn't. Joe is Dada at least for sure but so is pretty much everything else when she is happy.... wait a fair! Although a new found love of Michelle's is high fives and I swear that yesterday she totally said high five. Do I count that? My problem is that I haven't counted a million first words because 1. They sound like what you want them to. 2. If she isn't using it with it's meaning then I don't think it counts as a word but rather random syllables put together, still good but not a real first word.

While I was in Utah Joe called me one night and 15 minutes into the call informed me that he had been hurt playing church ball and had messed up his knee. 2 doctors visits, 2 different kinds of braces and one specialist later he is doing much better and is just trying to get the strength back up since the ligaments are still a little loose but not bad.
The next night Joe called me and told me that the principal had informed him that they could probably only offer him part time next year (we still love the principal though, it's not his fault). Since then we have been doing lots of applications and what not. It is a crazy life we have but we keep trooping through. We know that he is an awesome teacher and we just need someone else to see that too, again. Selfishly though this time around I would really like it if someone saw that more than a week before school started.

3 weekends ago we made a super quick trip to and from West Yellowstone to get some work done at the Playmill (yes, Michelle in tow- oh quick story: We make a noise when Michelle pushes our noses and by the end of Saturday she had like half the cast doing nose noises, it was pretty amusing for me to watch the cast try and get her to push different people's noses....this probably contributed to Michelle and I getting sick the next week). 2 weekends ago Joe went back by himself to program the first show and I tried to get Michelle to sleep (it was just one of those fluke nights where nothing works). I was less than successful so why I thought I would be successful at surviving church by myself with her I don't know. I walked into the chapel holding Michelle and carrying a diaper bag and my brand new super cute Jennifer Lopez platform wedges (black straps cork wedge for those of you wondering) broke. I rolled my ankle while falling less than gracefully. It was super awesome, and the stares made it even better. At least one lady had the presence of mind to help me with Michelle. All the men just stared. Thanks guys. So then I hobbled over to a seat and tried to distract Michelle. By the time we got to the sacrament she was fussy and between everything I just took her and our stuff out to the lobby where we stayed just long enough for me to take the sacrament. I then walked us out to the car barefoot.... me.... barefoot in a public place.....eeeeeewwwwwww..... where i proceeded to have to dump out the diaper bag to find the keys. Then we went home and slept. BUT I figure that all the women angels in heaven gave me bonus points in my heavenly record for trying. Oh wait I lied, We went home, I cried and then we slept. Yes, I cried, not because anything was that awful but because I am a woman and sometimes crying does make it better, so there! In case you are wondering Joe got back that night, he was only gone 50 hrs you wouldn't think it would have been that bad! lol! And this last weekend was a long weekend where we were all home and it was wonderfulness (especially because Michelle went to priesthood!). We even got invited to a friend's house for a BBQ on Monday. It was lots of fun.

This weekend you ask? Well this weekend marks 1 year of mortgages! Yup, it's crazy to think we have been here a year. Oh let's see what else is happening this weekend, oh yeah, the yearly trek. I am starting to have a love hate relationship with going to West Yellowstone. We will see which wins by the end of the summer.
Did anyone actually read all of that? Unlikely, but it's my blog so I can write what I want!
If you did congratulations, here are some random pictures. If you got bored and scrolled down to the pictures, congratulations, here are some random pictures.

the height difference was amusing to me

Wasn't really a fan of the slide and my hips are far too wide to go down holding her, Joe has no hips but his legs are basically the length of the slide.

Daddy's little percussionist, our park has a musical play area and these are the drums

Grandpa Sampson- She is VERY excitedly pointing to all the duckies, they are pretty, you should come see them sometime ;)

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