Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Well, sorta food, can you really call runny rice cereal food? Anyways. On Saturday the 28th we fed Michelle some food for the first time. Joe got to feed her first since this was one first that we could control the timeline of and make sure that he was a part of. It was silly but fun to watch. I'm not sure how she felt about it, curious but still not too thrilled with it. We have figured out that she eats better in the morning or lunch time than she does in the afternoon or evening. Using the three days rule we decided to introduce a little avocado yesterday too just to see if she wanted a little variety. She was interested but I'm not sure if she really likes it any better than the rice cereal. Why avocado? I had read that it was a good first food for breastfed babies because the fat content is similar. I dunno, I figured it was worth a try.

Here are a couple pictures:

 who needs food when I have a bib?
Avacado- yeah, she was naked for this one, I didn't want to get it out of her clothes.

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