Friday, July 16, 2010

Have I mentioned?....

That it is a really crazy life we live? It seems like we are always on the run trying to keep up with everything that we have going on. This summer we are working at the Playmill Theatre in West Yellowstone were you should all feel free to come and see us. I run sound fro Beauty and the Beast and Seven Brides and Joe does lights as well as doing tech for The Foreigner (which is thankfully my night off, if I didn't have that we would be in trouble). This technical side of theatre is a new thing to me but I seem to be figuring it out ok so it is not so stressful anymore. Also since all three shows have been open Joe and I work inthe Box Office four days a week- and yes we work the morning shift, any of you who know me may realize that it is a miracle that this is actually the shift that I requested. If we work the afternoon shift we are here from 1 to 11:30 and that just gets extra crazy trying to get the mics ready and everything. So as it is we are at the theatre for 9:45 to 1 and then 3:45 to 11:30. So basically we get up and go to work, eat lunch try to do something quickly (usually homework for me) and then turn around and come back. Did I mention that I am taking some online classes this summer? So yes on top of everything I have school! Crazy I know but it saves me from taking 21 credits this fall so I can graduate on time- instead I will be taking 17 credits this fall.... a little bit better. So between all of our busyness I try to fit in all of my homework (which thankfully is not hard just time consuming). Seriously I am so thankful for having foreigner nights off or who knows when I would finish all of my homework let alone do the laundry. Oh and did I mention that through July we do a matinee on saturdays as well? Yup we are pretty busy people. We really do enjoy it though. We both love to perform and wish that we could be on stage but this is definitely the next best thing and there are even a couple songs where I am enjoying making art with the sound. It was really funny though- I know we are appreciated for our talents in tech but sometimes that can be annoying. They are considering adding a matinee of B&B on day and the girl that plays Mrs. Potts has a conflict and the entire cast volunteered me to play her part for that show- this suggestion although I thought it would be fun was immediatley shot down by the stage manager because she didn't want to have to run sound! Truthfully Joe could do it all himself if he really had to but that isn't going to happen anyways so there isn't any need to get excited about the possibility. I guess I also had a birthday since I last wrote, I am not 21!!! Not really any different since I am mormon and don't drink but hey i'm legal now- could i buy dry ice or paint balls or something like that? Plus for my birthday Joe surprised me and got Mommy and Papa to come up! Which was super cool because I was sad that I wasn't going to have any of my family there because birthdays are important in my family and only Mom knows how things are supposed to go. I remember when we were engaged Joe didn't understand what Robyn meant when she kept telling him that birthdays are important in our family... I think that he is starting to understand now. On a more random note- I have no recollection of when the last time that I went to the grocery store is and cooking does not happen nearly as often as it should but hey we are still alive and have started riding our bikes to work more as the weather cooperates. Oh and also we are officially registered for our final semester of classes on campus and all of our application information is in for student teaching in the fall : finger printing check verification of course work check application check personal introduction letter check (just in the nick of time too!) So now we are just waiting to find out where we will end up being sent! We're hoping for VEGAS but there are no guarantees. When we find out where we are being sent we will probably plan a trip to finalize housing over thanksgiving break sometime but we don't know for sure. If it ends up being Utah then we will just do a weekend trip sometime I'm sure. And family don't feel neglected because Utah is our last choice. Vegas is the most likely place that we can student teach and then be offered an actual job. Yes little Lesley is at the point in her life where she could potentially be offered an actual job soon. crazy I know (do all of my siblings feel old now?)
Sorry no pictures I am actually at work as I am writing this but eventually you will get some to look at I'm sure.

I should really show Joe how to update this- he has more time than me this summer....